Have you wondered what rares come out on rare Mondays?Well These are the rare Monday items that have came out .(From 2012)First is the glove.This item was found in the Jamma mart Clothing In February.
Second Item was the Medusa Mask This item could be found in the Jamma Mart Clothing In February.
Third item was the Fox hat,This item was sold in the Jamma Mart Clothing.In February
Fourth item was the Lionfish Fins.They Were Actually New to Jamma.You could Find it at Bahari Bargains.In February
Fifth Item was the Scary Cat hat.This item could be sold in the Coco Hut.In March
Sixth item was the Viking Helmet.You could find it in the Jamma Mart Clothing.In March
Seventh was theRare Gazelle Horns.This was sold in Jamma Mart Clothing.In March
Eighth item was the Rare Tie.You could find this in the Jamma Mart Clothing.In March
Eleventh item was the Jolly Elf Hat.This could be found in the Jamma Mart Clothing.In April
Twelveth Thing is the Rare Spiked Hair.This was found in Jamma Mart Clothing In April.
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