Thursday, June 21, 2012

New items and MORE!

Hello Jammers!Before it start i would like you to know i am giving criet to Lovelost for this post!ok here it is.Finally AJ has been updated! Here is page 1 of the newest Jamaa Jounral: Volume 63!

Yes, penguins are now available to everyone! I wonder if this could mean seals are endangered in AJ...

Here is page 2:

There is an ad for hummingbird pets, and a riddle.

The answer to the riddle is...
Foxes! Foxes are coming to AJ in 4 weeks! Too bad we have to wait an entire month again! But maybe AJHQ will be nice to us, and give us foxes in only 2 weeks. c:

Page 3:

They are working on bringing a new pet to AJ, with the idea of the contest winner from 2 weeks ago. They are going to make us wait 2 weeks though. Is AJ turning into a waiting game?

And there is a new page for the Journey Book: Crystal Sands!
They have a Journey Book page for every land now, but not Jamaa Township. That place is also so crowded, I don't know if there ever will be a page for the township. :|
If there is, maybe the prize will be a mini model of the entire Jamaa! But it sounds too good to be true. :C

A post will be put up soon with a complete guide to Crystal Sand's Journey Book page.

Page 4:

Every arcade machine at the Sol Arcade is at half price (250 gems)!

It's less expensive just to go to a land and play the games for free, but if you don't feel like leaving your den again to play games, you always have this option!

Page 5:

There is those random featured rares I mentioned in the last post! And they even admitted that if an item goes up in sell price, it will probably come back!

So what rares are coming back soon?

Freedom Capes for sure!

Last year, they were in Jam Mart Clothing for only 250 gems...

But now, they have the Rare Mondays logo on them, and they sell for 700 gems!

They will probably be available next Monday, at around 2,250 gems.

I also noticed Rare Pigtails can be sold for around 900 gems. Those might come back, but I don't know for sure since they were already available for Rare Mondays.

AJ has been decorated with lots of 4th of July stuff!

There is also a new Golden Pirate Sword in Epic Wonders!

And a new Star Couch in Jam Mart Furniture!

Well Thats it for now and dont forget to Look at the contest below!Happy Jamming!

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