Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Hey Jammers!IT THAT TIME! i have my contest!Now i talked about my prizes with Wolves900
And i know this wasn't the prize that i was going to do but here is the Grand Prize!A PHANTOM RUG!

Now the Questions! >:D

I thought i would play a Hide in seek Contest thanks to Snowyclaw :D So here is what you need to find .And also these are all around Jamma and are all on land!Note these are not in my den or Parties!







i will hide all commets until at 12 That's when it will End.

Hope These aren't too Hard!

Also i need the exact Place where these items are Thanks! And i need you AJ Name if you dont Put your name on the Commet with the anwsers then i will give it to the Second winner!

Jam on!


  1. #1 in Brady Barr's Lab, in the cage in the bottom right hand corner
    #2 next to club geoz by the window, you can see it on the way to river race game on the right side of club geoz
    #3 in Mt. Shiveer Hot Cocoa hut, on top of the fire place mantle
    #4 in Tierney's Aquarium, on the table by the rest of the gear
    #5 In the Jam Mart Clothing Store, by the stairs on the right wall
    #6 in Appondale, on the pet store tree by the whind chimes and wildebeest grazing spot
    My username is Jambotsrule and I spent a lot of time on this.

  2. wow nice questions... those aren't the easiest but the prize matches good. ~awholenewworld


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